We love Kahlen Aymes' Remembrance Trilogy, if you haven't read them you really need to, the romance in them is just beautiful.
Today we've got our review of book 3 - A Love Like This, but that's not all! Did you know Kahlen Aymes is running a contest at the moment to for her to come to your city and meet you? and Yes it's international! Details of how to enter are at the bottom of the post or on our Giveaways page.
We also have a giveaway for 5 ebooks of A Love Like This and one lucky winner will get a signed set of the trilogy!
Wait - More prizes? - today is the Facebook Release party for A Love Like This! There will be loads of prizes to win from lots of authors! You can join the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/257622967710441/
Book 1 - The Future of Our Pasts
Book Summary:
Julia Abbot and Ryan Matthews have been in separable best friends since the moment they met. Each fight an internal battle, unwilling to risk their incredible friendship, but unable to quell their deep (but secret) longing for the other. On the verge of Ryan's departure to Harvard Medical School and Julia's for her new job on the opposite coast, they are forced to face the undeniable truth of their deeper feelings and find themselves enthralled in a passion like neither has ever known.
In the face of forced separation, great distance, and others who try to come between them , Ryan and Julia work to build the shared future they both dream of. When their lives begin to finally gel, Julia is offered a promotion that will jettison her career to new heights but threatens to tear them apart. Ryan is left angry and bereft at Julia’s impending departure, but In light of all she has sacrificed for him, he can hardly deny her, and Julia is faced with the most difficult decision of her life.
The Future of our Pasts is the beginning of an incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking romance, full of passion and intensity that will leave you spellbound and gasping for the next instalment of Ryan and Julia's story.
Our Rating:
Donna & Willow read this book long before the blog, so no detailed reviews but Donna rated 5 Stars and Willow Rated 4 Stars.
Book 2 - Don't Forget to Remember Me
Book summary:

When tragedy strikes, their relationship is hurled into turmoil that leaves Ryan devastated. His sorrow drives him to keep his distance from Julia yet leaves him aching; consumed with desire and love he refuses to let manifest.
Julia is inexplicably drawn to the beautiful stranger everyone tells her is her best friend. As they grow closer, she longs to build a future with Ryan, but his agony over the loss of the heart-stopping memories she no longer shares, leaves him unable to trust that she could truly love him without their brilliant past.
When love so unforgettable has been forgotten, will Ryan find enough faith to believe that Julia's heart will remember, even when her mind can't?
The second book of The Remembrance Trilogy follows Ryan and Julia's quest to recapture their stunning past and build an even more beautiful future. Their journey will leave you speechless, breathless, aching, laughing, crying, and shouting for Joy that you'll never want to end.
Our rating:
Again Donna & Willow read pre blog, so no review, but they both rated it 5 Stars
Book 3 - A Love Like This

Settled in New York City, Ryan and Julia Matthews seek to enjoy their idyllic newlywed life together. Julia’s high-profile job at Vogue and Ryan’s promising career in medicine will surely set them up for everything they could ever want. Their only obstacle seems to be finding enough time to spend together.
When a scuffle at Ryan’s hospital puts his life in danger, a colleague steps in to save him but is critically injured in the process. In a heroic and unwavering effort, Ryan manages to save her life, but her injuries irrevocably change her future forever.
What happens next will push Ryan beyond human endurance, when he is forced to decide how much he will pay for his new friendship and Julia, what she is willing to sacrifice in order to spare herself the unspeakable pain of watching someone else try to replace her in Ryan’s heart.
Join Ryan and Julia in the heart-wrenching conclusion to the unforgettable story of an incredible love, worth every single sacrifice…
For there is nothing more sacred than… A Love Like This…
Our Review:
**ARC received for honest review**
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars
Kahlen Aymes, the Queen of Romance has done it again…this trilogy has got better and better and book 3 does not disappoint. I absolutely adore her style of writing, emotional and from the heart, your connection to the characters is intense and you can’t help but love them and will them along. This book just delivers it in spades, Kahlen has surpassed herself with this one…reading through this book you will experience every single possible emotion you could ever think of, I had happy tears, sad tears, I was laughing, screaming, you name it I did it. I was a total emotional wreck by the end of it, which I have now dubbed “I have been Kahlen Aymes’d” she does it to me every time!! I should know by now, but alas no, I just jump in and get emotionally crushed!!
This book starts with Ryan and Julia after they get married, they are becoming accustomed to married life and all that it brings. However, they only seem to have one stress and that is Ryan’s job. As he is doing his residency the hours are demanding and they hardly see each other, the little time they do have together is sacred and they definitely make the most of it.
As we know from the previous books, Ryan’s working environment is not the best due to the area where drugs, knives and gun crimes are rife and all this is brought home to a devastating reality when Ryan and an ER nurse called Jane are attacked by a group of youths in the ER. Ryan is injured but is saved from certain death when Jane jumps in front of him and takes the stabbing that should have been his. Jane is left fighting for her life and Ryan immediately goes to her aid and manages to keep her alive until she can be rescued and operated on.
Ryan feels like he owes Jane his life and vice versa, however, Jane has other issues to deal with and takes to confiding in Ryan as she feels that he is the only person that understands what they went through together. Will this confidante relationship cause problems?? I won’t go into too much detail so as not to spoil it for others but this just gets soooooo emotional, it is heart breaking in places and I sometimes had to question Ryan, something that I have never had to do before, he always seemed so in tune with Julia that I was amazed and shocked how sometimes, even the perfect Ryan could things so stupidly stupidly wrong and it was extremely frustrating!! I wanted to knock some sense into him and say open your eyes!!! Can’t you see what this is doing??? FGS RYAN!!!!
We all know that Ryan and Julia have been through hell and back to get where they are in this book, and book 3 is by no means a smooth ride for them. All I can say is be prepared for an extremely emotional ride, you will be upset, you will cry, you will laugh, you will get angry and you will definitely need lots and lots of tissues. You will experience the raw emotion that Kaheln Aymes seems to evoke with every word that she writes and you will be sucked in and sucked under and yes whilst it can be painful it is also extremely beautiful.
This is one series that I am extremely extremely sad has come to a close and I cannot wait to see what delights Kahlen gives to us next. I can only hope she does it quickly as she is one of a rare breed that manages to draw me in with the first words and doesn’t let me go again until THE END.
You’ll always have my soul….
And this Mad, Mad love…….
Buy Links:
The Future of our Pasts: (Currently on Sale!)
Amazon.co.uk: http://amzn.to/17vwDMv
Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/10JcZJM
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/153473
Don't Forget to Remember Me:
Amazon.co.uk: http://amzn.to/10Jd14q
Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/11WdTxA
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/212622
A Love Like This:
Amazon.co.uk: http://amzn.to/19glcsP
Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/14QTSg7
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/325220
About the Author:

She lives near Omaha, Nebraska with her daughter, Olivia and their three dogs. Kahlen has a BSBA in Marketing, Business Administration and MIS. Creative by nature, she enjoys the arts, music and theater.... But the love of her life is writing! She enjoys meeting and talking with her readers on a regular basis!
Represented by Elizabeth Winick-Rubinstein of McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency, the first two books in her series; The Remembrance Trilogy are available now, and the final installment, A Love Like This, publishes June 24, 2013!
Twitter: @Kahlen_Aymes
Facebook: Kahlen Aymes
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=✓&query=Kahlen+aymes
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kahlen+Aymes
Facebook: Kahlen Aymes
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=✓&query=Kahlen+aymes
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kahlen+Aymes
A signed set of paperbacks and 5 runner up prizes of an ebook of A Love Like This!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
City Contest:
Do you want Kahlen Aymes to come to your city and meet you? Details of how to enter are here: http://www.theromancecover.com/2013/06/kahlen-aymes-competition-you-really.html
City Contest:
Do you want Kahlen Aymes to come to your city and meet you? Details of how to enter are here: http://www.theromancecover.com/2013/06/kahlen-aymes-competition-you-really.html
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