Watch Over Me by Tara Sivec

Death changes everyone...
To make the pain go away, Addison and her father travel down separate, dark paths. She chooses to end her grief forever, while he drowns his sorrows in the bottom of a bottle. How do you learn to live again when the most important person in your life is gone?
But can it really be that simple? Can she really trust this man who makes her feel alive again for the first time in a year?
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Reviewed by Willow & Donna ~ 5 Stars
**ARC received for honest review**
What Willow says:
I really don't know how I'm going to write this review, it was so deep and emotional and seemed so personal.
The story is about Addison, told from her point of view. Addison has lost her mum, her Dad is a drunk and not there for her and she had tried to take her life. She can't get past the loss of her mum, her life is not moving forward and she is closed off to everyone. She is stuck running her mums bakery, feeling its her duty, not wanting to let go.
Zander has been coming to the bakery for a while and can't keep his eyes off her, he starts leaving napkin notes for Addison and they soon start talking, but can she let him in? Can she trust him?
I love how the book is told, it's like it's told in three ways, you have the present, through Addison, the flashbacks/memories Addison has, and then the parts where she was having therapy. I have to say during the therapy scenes I was actually feeling like I was the one having therapy, it was very deep and well written.
Whilst the relationship with Zander was great and I loved him (and I REALLY loved the whole napkin notes), the impact of this story was all about grieving and dealing with addiction and depression. I usually highlight books like mad, especially now I write reviews for the blog as I like to include lines in my reviews, but I didn't highlight a single thing in this book. That was because I was so engrossed, so drawn into the story and the emotions that everything was forgotten and I was just focused on the story itself.
I really feel that I can't say more about the story, because I really think you should read it yourself.
The story is about Addison, told from her point of view. Addison has lost her mum, her Dad is a drunk and not there for her and she had tried to take her life. She can't get past the loss of her mum, her life is not moving forward and she is closed off to everyone. She is stuck running her mums bakery, feeling its her duty, not wanting to let go.
Zander has been coming to the bakery for a while and can't keep his eyes off her, he starts leaving napkin notes for Addison and they soon start talking, but can she let him in? Can she trust him?
I love how the book is told, it's like it's told in three ways, you have the present, through Addison, the flashbacks/memories Addison has, and then the parts where she was having therapy. I have to say during the therapy scenes I was actually feeling like I was the one having therapy, it was very deep and well written.
Whilst the relationship with Zander was great and I loved him (and I REALLY loved the whole napkin notes), the impact of this story was all about grieving and dealing with addiction and depression. I usually highlight books like mad, especially now I write reviews for the blog as I like to include lines in my reviews, but I didn't highlight a single thing in this book. That was because I was so engrossed, so drawn into the story and the emotions that everything was forgotten and I was just focused on the story itself.
I really feel that I can't say more about the story, because I really think you should read it yourself.
What Donna says:
This was emotional! If this is not a personal experience I will eat my hat! The pages radiated grief, emotion, heartache, sadness and depression, at times I was sobbing and I felt myself thinking what would I do in this situation and I didn’t like it..I couldn’t imagine, I didn’t want to imagine and I was scared to imagine.
The blurb had me hooked, it was so far away from Tara ’s usual writing style that I wanted to see how it panned out and I was not disappointed.
Zander, oh how I loved Zander…he was so sweet, his messages on napkins had me going ooooh and aaaaah, he was just adorable. He knew that it would take something/someone special to get through to Addison and he never gave up and that is what I loved about him, but as with any book, is he all that he seems and is he too good to be true as most of these men are?? You will have to read and find out!
This is a book about being at the lowest of the low and finding the strength and inner courage to pull yourself back out and not being afraid to accept help from those around you that want to help. Addison had more or less shut herself off from life and it needed a great best friend and Zander to help her see the light and get herself back on track. To never give up on your hopes and dreams and no matter what the sacrifice, to remember that you need to do things for yourself sometimes, you don’t have to be the martyr for everybody else.
Zanders wise words whilst trying to explain life to Addison with Lego….
“And if something doesn’t fit, if one of your pieces just isn’t working, you can put it aside and find another one. There are so many pieces to work with that you don’t have to try and force one in where it doesn’t belong. You may not need that piece right now, and it may not be helping you right at this moment, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important and won’t fit somewhere else down the line when you need it more.”
“You don’t have to try and pick up all the pieces at once, sometimes you only need to use a few of them at a time. If you try and pick them all up and use them all the same time, it’s overwhelming and frustrating when you start to drop them or you just can’t make them work.”
“Another good thing about Legos. If it falls apart, it doesn’t mean it’s destroyed. It just means you have to pick up the pieces and start again.”
As I said, highly emotional, beautifully written and a book that will stay with me for a very long time, Tara Sivec I salute you!!
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T.E. lives in Ohio with her husband and two children, living the dream of being a fulltime
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