Devotion is book 5 in the Club Destiny Series by Nicole Edwards.
Book Description:
Devotion is the follow up story of Luke McCoy, Sierra Sellers and Cole Ackerley from Temptation and should not be read before Temptation.
For two very complex, very alpha men, life after love isn’t necessarily an easy thing to embrace. Although Sierra Sellers is, and will always be, the lifeline between Luke McCoy and Cole Ackerley, every day life proves to be the true test of the bond the three of them have forged.
No one ever said that life was going to be rainbows and butterflies after the three of them admitted their love for one another. Between their own personal insecurities, a relationship that falls well outside what most people consider traditional, and a baby on the way, the three of them find out that there are still going to be a few ups and downs.
With insecurities comes doubt, and no matter what obstacles fall into their paths, the one thing the three of them aren’t willing to sacrifice is their devotion to one another.
Erotic Romance
Mature Audience
For two very complex, very alpha men, life after love isn’t necessarily an easy thing to embrace. Although Sierra Sellers is, and will always be, the lifeline between Luke McCoy and Cole Ackerley, every day life proves to be the true test of the bond the three of them have forged.
No one ever said that life was going to be rainbows and butterflies after the three of them admitted their love for one another. Between their own personal insecurities, a relationship that falls well outside what most people consider traditional, and a baby on the way, the three of them find out that there are still going to be a few ups and downs.
With insecurities comes doubt, and no matter what obstacles fall into their paths, the one thing the three of them aren’t willing to sacrifice is their devotion to one another.
Erotic Romance
Mature Audience
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Our Review:
We've already posted our review of Devotion, but encase you missed it here it is again:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars

This book continues with Sierra being heavily pregnant, we go through the birth, we find out the baby daddy not that it matters with these three, but most importantly we see how the trio fare with life in general after the closure of Club Destiny, starting new businesses, living as a family and most of all living with each other. Conventional relationships are hard as we all know but when you have three peoples loves, lives and fears to take into account it will always be difficult. This book centres around all of their insecurities and issues and how they work through them. I must say Sierra was more of a bit part in this book, we always knew how she was feeling as she would just come out and say it, but Luke and Cole are a totally different story. They kept their feelings to themselves and this was creating issues within their dynamic.
We see a totally different side of Luke in this book, the man has mellowed and has become highly emotive. Whilst he cannot always say it with words the way Nicole conveyed his feelings with actions was breath taking. I really felt for Luke in this book and I must say he may have just knocked his twin off my book boyfriend number 1 place.
Cole in this book, I just wanted to give me majorly huge hugs, he struggles in this book and it is completely unfounded..he sees things that are not there, stews on them, quadruples them and then panics. If only he talked a bit more a lot of the problems would never have happened, the same goes for Luke too. Cole begins to think that he is the third wheel again, although this is far from the truth. The scenes in Austin were just WOW…this started off my first crying session..Nicole, you hit that out the ball felt like I was there like a voyeur watching, listening and willing them along. I cannot say how emotional I was reading this part of the book, thank god hubby was asleep as he would of laughed.
Here are a few of my favourite highlights I made during this book and I made A LOT! Just from these few snippets I hope you can appreciate the love, emotion, tension and passion that these convey:-
“I love you,” Luke said the words as his body stilled, spilling himself deep inside of Cole. “Always love you”.
“I love you Cole”. He had to swallow before he continued. “I’ll never stop loving you. You and I both know it’s not easy for me, but you stuck it out with me once. Don’t give up on me now.”
“I think about what it’ll feel like when you f**k me. I want to feel you inside of me, Cole. I want you to f**k me until I can’t take it anymore and then I want you to come in my ass.”
“Next time, I want you to look me in the eyes when you make love to me” Luke said.
“I love you,” Luke whispered. “I’ve loved you longer than I was ever willing to admit.”
These two are the first ever Male on Male I have ever read and in fact the only Male on Male I have read, but I love these two with a passion, they are permanently etched on my heart. You cannot help but feel what they feel and it is so intense. Sierra was brilliant in this book, she could see the cracks and she was not prepared to lose either of them. She got all their insecurities, dealt with them and got them all back on an even keel. Whilst Luke maybe the dominant this is slowly reducing, Luke admits to wanting to be dominated by Cole sometimes, they also become business partners, they all make changes to their relationship for the better and to make them all equal. It is exactly what relationships are all about.
I cannot say enough how much I loved this book, but it is a must read…for all us Club Destiny addicts you are going to love this book and for any Club Destiny virgins, I beg you to read this series in order…you will not be disappointed.
Way to go Nicole, absolutely brilliant I cannot gush enough…and so stoked that you gave our little blog a mention in your acknowledgements, our first and fitting that it came from you.
Previous Club Destiny Reviews:
You can find all our reviews on the Club Destiny Series on our previews reviews page here:
Thanks to Nicole Edwards we have an ecopy of Devotion to giveaway, but that's not all the lucky winner will also get a Club Destiny Security T-shirt (XL)
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Great review!