Willow is supporting Dank Walker in the YA Crush Tourney and today is his third match. If he makes it through today he's in the final so we need you to vote for him!
Who is Dank Walker?
Dank Walker aka Death is from Abbi Glines Existence Trilogy.
Book 1 - Existence
Book 2 - Predestined
Book - 2.5 Leif
Book 3 - Ceaseless
Why vote for him?
Just listen to what Michelle Flick, Advocate for Dank has to say:
Hi everyone! I am so excited to representing Dank today! I started reading about Dank about a year ago I would say, and well, let's face it. He's hot; he can sing and he's death. Yeah - Death - talk about bad ass.
Personality: He's pretty honest and upfront. For the most part, each character who has a run in with Dank knows where they stand with him. The only time he withholds anything is when it might effect/affect Pagan in some way. He writes music from his heart. Dank has a sarcastic side, that isn't abrasive, but just enough to tease Pagan. He takes his "work" seriously and after his love with Pagan, understands what he is doing more clearly, so he is willing to grow (how many guys really are?)
Looks: Bluer than blue eyes. So blue that they have been referred to as gems. Look at the covers. Those babies pop. He also has black, not too long hair, that curls on the ends. A sultry smirk reserved only for Pagan and a dimple. Just one, sinisterly cute dimple. Smoking hot body. Did I mention his blue eyes?

Talents: Besides easing people into their deaths? He serenades (and well, like soothingly and sensually) his girlfriend Pagan with a guitar and lullabies that he has written about how she has saved him. I mean, what girl doesn't want that? I do.
Special Attributes/Best Qualities: One of my favorite qualities about him is his compassion. He can be a tough, I know that, but he can be so sweet and he doesn't have to be. For example, there was a little girl in EXISTENCE and he talked to the little girl and tried to make dying easier and made it a beautiful process. He didn't have to. His compassion extends farther than Pagan. Then there is that whole he is Death thing. Ya know - no biggie. Or the fact that he is a deity.
Anything else? This year, with the help of my street team (WHO ARE AWESOME) and the great Abbi Glines, I have added some other reader's favorite qualities, moments, and quotes.
One of my favorite quotes: “He's already proven he'll defy Heaven to keep her. If Hell wants a piece of him too, then bring it on.” SWOON!
Two Responses from Abbi Glines! Personality: He's pretty honest and upfront. For the most part, each character who has a run in with Dank knows where they stand with him. The only time he withholds anything is when it might effect/affect Pagan in some way. He writes music from his heart. Dank has a sarcastic side, that isn't abrasive, but just enough to tease Pagan. He takes his "work" seriously and after his love with Pagan, understands what he is doing more clearly, so he is willing to grow (how many guys really are?)
Looks: Bluer than blue eyes. So blue that they have been referred to as gems. Look at the covers. Those babies pop. He also has black, not too long hair, that curls on the ends. A sultry smirk reserved only for Pagan and a dimple. Just one, sinisterly cute dimple. Smoking hot body. Did I mention his blue eyes?

Talents: Besides easing people into their deaths? He serenades (and well, like soothingly and sensually) his girlfriend Pagan with a guitar and lullabies that he has written about how she has saved him. I mean, what girl doesn't want that? I do.
Special Attributes/Best Qualities: One of my favorite qualities about him is his compassion. He can be a tough, I know that, but he can be so sweet and he doesn't have to be. For example, there was a little girl in EXISTENCE and he talked to the little girl and tried to make dying easier and made it a beautiful process. He didn't have to. His compassion extends farther than Pagan. Then there is that whole he is Death thing. Ya know - no biggie. Or the fact that he is a deity.
Anything else? This year, with the help of my street team (WHO ARE AWESOME) and the great Abbi Glines, I have added some other reader's favorite qualities, moments, and quotes.
One of my favorite quotes: “He's already proven he'll defy Heaven to keep her. If Hell wants a piece of him too, then bring it on.” SWOON!
What are some of your favorite things about Dank?

And why was he a fun character to write? Because he wasn't a man. He was something that every human fears but they know they will meet one day. Writing him with emotions and giving him a voice was almost comforting in a way.
From the Greedy Booker - (and a quote I love) - “I’m not a man so I do not have a heart that loves as a human does. I’m an immortal god that dwells with supreme power because I hold the keys to Death. But you are my existence. I am yours.”- Existence
From Jorie Sus- Confronting Ghede with the Warriors threatening to destroy voodoo if he doesn't release Pagan's soul - (I have to say I loved this too. BAD ASS and it reminded me of how tough Dank is.)
From Erica Cope "It's the scene where Pagan is home from dress shopping and Dank comments on the pale pink dress then....
Both his hands gripped my waist pulling me hard up against his body. "You tempt me. I can't be tempted. I'm not made to be tempted but you, Pagan Moore, you tempt me."
Then he goes on to say:
"I didn't understand it at first. But now I know. It's your soul calling to me. Souls mean nothing to me. They aren't supposed to. But yours has become my obsession."
Totaly swoonworthy moment for me. :)
What's better than having a sexy rockstar serenade you in your sleep? :)
Willow D - “I realised you owned me one night in this room. I was singing to you and you were sleeping. You made a little noise in your sleep like you were distressed and I panicked and ran to your side. You grabbed my arm in your sleep and pulled it up against your face and went back to sleep. I didn't want to ever move.”
BIG NEWS!!! Abbi is donating 15 copies of Existence for the Tourney with some swag AND has agreed to write a novella for Dank and Pagan after Ceaseless. It will be free if Dank wins the tourney. And people, lets be honest, if you have read the series, why wouldn't you vote for him?
Now you've heard from Michelle how about a Dank Walker Song?
What are you waiting for? Vote Dank Now!
Want to win a copy of Existence?
Go here: http://flickspicks1.blogspot.co.uk/
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