Book description:

Colton stole my heart. He wasn't supposed to, and I sure as hell didn't want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist.
Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don't think I'll ever be the same. She's seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she's still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner.
How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep?
He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won't let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far.
How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there's someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I'd never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I'll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can't be what she needs, so why can't I just let her go?
We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?
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Our Review:
**ARC Received for honest review**
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 emotional and amazeballs stars!!
“Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.”
K Bromberg has ruined super heroes for me now. I am never, ever going be able to watch these films or cartoons with my kids again without thinking about Colton Donavan. By the way “I race you Colton Donavan.” I loved him in Driven and I absolutely adore him now….not so much the author, after what she has just put me through!! (she knows I am kidding!!) Seriously though, this book is emotional, very very emotional, I have cried at books before, but this book sent me over the edge so many times. I was convinced I was all cried out and then I would sit back and reflect and the tears would fall all over again.
This book starts with a Prologue that just pulls you in and it is one that starts that emotional rollercoaster from the very beginning, you remember how Driven finished?? Colton chucking Rylee out after saying some very hateful words, well this prologue is recounting the dream that Colton had, that led up to those events and they are not pretty and from Colton’s POV.
“She pushes me.
Unmans me.
Consumes me.
Scares the ever loving shit out of me.”
Colton is scared and extremely frightened, the feelings that he has for Rylee are exceptionally alien to him, it has been drilled into him from a young age that only his mother can “love him”, he associates love as a bad thing, in fact a very bad thing and it is something that he feels is a poison to those on the giving and receiving end. This is why he has his “agreements”, if love isn’t involved, there cannot be any poison, he will be safe. As his back story is told through this book it is truly heart breaking, his mother (well a very loose term for such an evil piece of shit), I just wanted to teleport into the kindle and murder her with my bare hands, yes she is THAT BAD!!!
“Good little boys don’t cry if they love their mommies.”
It goes a long way in explaining why Colton is the way he is. I thank the lord that he managed to get away and stumble onto the Westin’s doorstep at the ripe old age of 8, what that child had gone through beggars belief and you cannot help but be moved and emotionally invested. Your heart breaks for him, especially if you are a mother, in fact I bet even if you are the most cold hearted of people, his story will touch you in places you never knew existed.
This book is written in dual POV’s which I love, we get to see both Rylee and Colton’s thoughts and feelings. Colton is his usually dominating, alpha self, humorous as ever but as explained above, we see his emotional side, vulnerable side and he really evolves in this book. Whether he wanted to or not Rylee has irrevocably changed him and despite his thinking that he can revert to his old ways when the going gets his tough, he is appalled when he realises that he cannot go back.
“She must have a voodoo pussy or something. Reeling me up and snagging me in her hooks without realizing it.”
“You know, a couple of months ago, I might have answered you differently. But since you fell out of the damn storage closet, nothing has been the same.” He pauses momentarily as he struggles to find his next words, his fingertip trailing down the bare line of my spine. “No one’s mattered before. Ever. But you? F**k, somehow you changed that. You matter.”
Rylee is her usual selfless self in this book, she still has her own issues to contend with as well as Colton’s. It is difficult for her in this book and I did really feel for her at times. I also wanted to slap her so bad in parts, for someone so in the know with regards to broken souls I thought that she could have handled certain things differently, I just wanted to go up to her and say “communicate” for god’s sake “communicate.” I understood her reasoning, she wanted to protect herself, but she was putting herself through needless pain and suffering as well as my poor Colton…yes he is mine so hands off y’all!! She has major insecurity issues in this book, Colton is always surrounded by a bevvy of beauties and she finds it hard to see why Colton wants and needs her. Colton really shines here and always manages to say the right things at the right time. For someone who doesn’t do relationships, he is beginning to learn.
“I want you to see what I see. I want you to see how sexy and desirable and f**king hot you are”, he whispers against the bare skin of my shoulder. “I want you to see what you do to me. How you – in this body that is beautiful inside and out – cause me to come undone. Can unravel me”… “Can reduce me to nothing and build me up all at the same time.”…
I highlighted the hell out of this book, there is so much I could add but I don’t want to spoil it for you all. This is a book about their relationship, there are lots of ups and downs, misunderstandings, extremely hot sex but is a journey of discovery for both of them. It is beautiful, it is ugly, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry but it is honest. It is beautifully written, extremely addictive, I could not put it down. I can’t put into words how much I enjoyed this book, although I was emotionally spent by the end, I loved it, I savoured it and I will definitely be reading it again.
“We’re not broken, baby… we’re just bent. And bent’s okay. Bent means we are just figuring things out.”
The end…is the end…I was mortified when I read those two little words…don’t ask for clues…I will not say…but all I will add is that I need book 3 NOW!! I seriously cannot wait for book 3…I need book 3. If K Bromberg needs Beta’s I’m there…anything to get this baby sooner rather than later. I have loved this series and Fueled only fuels your appetite for more. K Bromberg has managed to pull me into Colton and Rylee’s little bubble and I do not want to leave.
A few of my favourite quotes that do not give too much away, just humour, sense and more humour!
“Roses are red. Lemons are sour. If you open your legs, I’ll be there in an hour.”
“I think he finally found his lifeline.”
“You can bet your ass that’s one chequered flag I’m definitely claiming.”
Totally adore this book, cannot recommend it highly enough, if you haven’t read Driven you need to before starting Fueled, they are a series.
K Bromberg, all I can say is that you have hit it out the ball park with this one. Absolutely brilliant…I have cried whilst writing this review soooo many times. I am emotionally exhausted, but what a ride. You have left me with thoughts and feelings that will never go away and that is very hard to do. High five to you!! I love you and hate you at this moment in time. But it is all good!!
K Bromberg has ruined super heroes for me now. I am never, ever going be able to watch these films or cartoons with my kids again without thinking about Colton Donavan. By the way “I race you Colton Donavan.” I loved him in Driven and I absolutely adore him now….not so much the author, after what she has just put me through!! (she knows I am kidding!!) Seriously though, this book is emotional, very very emotional, I have cried at books before, but this book sent me over the edge so many times. I was convinced I was all cried out and then I would sit back and reflect and the tears would fall all over again.
This book starts with a Prologue that just pulls you in and it is one that starts that emotional rollercoaster from the very beginning, you remember how Driven finished?? Colton chucking Rylee out after saying some very hateful words, well this prologue is recounting the dream that Colton had, that led up to those events and they are not pretty and from Colton’s POV.
“She pushes me.
Unmans me.
Consumes me.
Scares the ever loving shit out of me.”
Colton is scared and extremely frightened, the feelings that he has for Rylee are exceptionally alien to him, it has been drilled into him from a young age that only his mother can “love him”, he associates love as a bad thing, in fact a very bad thing and it is something that he feels is a poison to those on the giving and receiving end. This is why he has his “agreements”, if love isn’t involved, there cannot be any poison, he will be safe. As his back story is told through this book it is truly heart breaking, his mother (well a very loose term for such an evil piece of shit), I just wanted to teleport into the kindle and murder her with my bare hands, yes she is THAT BAD!!!
“Good little boys don’t cry if they love their mommies.”
It goes a long way in explaining why Colton is the way he is. I thank the lord that he managed to get away and stumble onto the Westin’s doorstep at the ripe old age of 8, what that child had gone through beggars belief and you cannot help but be moved and emotionally invested. Your heart breaks for him, especially if you are a mother, in fact I bet even if you are the most cold hearted of people, his story will touch you in places you never knew existed.
This book is written in dual POV’s which I love, we get to see both Rylee and Colton’s thoughts and feelings. Colton is his usually dominating, alpha self, humorous as ever but as explained above, we see his emotional side, vulnerable side and he really evolves in this book. Whether he wanted to or not Rylee has irrevocably changed him and despite his thinking that he can revert to his old ways when the going gets his tough, he is appalled when he realises that he cannot go back.
“She must have a voodoo pussy or something. Reeling me up and snagging me in her hooks without realizing it.”
“You know, a couple of months ago, I might have answered you differently. But since you fell out of the damn storage closet, nothing has been the same.” He pauses momentarily as he struggles to find his next words, his fingertip trailing down the bare line of my spine. “No one’s mattered before. Ever. But you? F**k, somehow you changed that. You matter.”
Rylee is her usual selfless self in this book, she still has her own issues to contend with as well as Colton’s. It is difficult for her in this book and I did really feel for her at times. I also wanted to slap her so bad in parts, for someone so in the know with regards to broken souls I thought that she could have handled certain things differently, I just wanted to go up to her and say “communicate” for god’s sake “communicate.” I understood her reasoning, she wanted to protect herself, but she was putting herself through needless pain and suffering as well as my poor Colton…yes he is mine so hands off y’all!! She has major insecurity issues in this book, Colton is always surrounded by a bevvy of beauties and she finds it hard to see why Colton wants and needs her. Colton really shines here and always manages to say the right things at the right time. For someone who doesn’t do relationships, he is beginning to learn.
“I want you to see what I see. I want you to see how sexy and desirable and f**king hot you are”, he whispers against the bare skin of my shoulder. “I want you to see what you do to me. How you – in this body that is beautiful inside and out – cause me to come undone. Can unravel me”… “Can reduce me to nothing and build me up all at the same time.”…
I highlighted the hell out of this book, there is so much I could add but I don’t want to spoil it for you all. This is a book about their relationship, there are lots of ups and downs, misunderstandings, extremely hot sex but is a journey of discovery for both of them. It is beautiful, it is ugly, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry but it is honest. It is beautifully written, extremely addictive, I could not put it down. I can’t put into words how much I enjoyed this book, although I was emotionally spent by the end, I loved it, I savoured it and I will definitely be reading it again.
“We’re not broken, baby… we’re just bent. And bent’s okay. Bent means we are just figuring things out.”
The end…is the end…I was mortified when I read those two little words…don’t ask for clues…I will not say…but all I will add is that I need book 3 NOW!! I seriously cannot wait for book 3…I need book 3. If K Bromberg needs Beta’s I’m there…anything to get this baby sooner rather than later. I have loved this series and Fueled only fuels your appetite for more. K Bromberg has managed to pull me into Colton and Rylee’s little bubble and I do not want to leave.
A few of my favourite quotes that do not give too much away, just humour, sense and more humour!
“Roses are red. Lemons are sour. If you open your legs, I’ll be there in an hour.”
“I think he finally found his lifeline.”
“You can bet your ass that’s one chequered flag I’m definitely claiming.”
Totally adore this book, cannot recommend it highly enough, if you haven’t read Driven you need to before starting Fueled, they are a series.
K Bromberg, all I can say is that you have hit it out the ball park with this one. Absolutely brilliant…I have cried whilst writing this review soooo many times. I am emotionally exhausted, but what a ride. You have left me with thoughts and feelings that will never go away and that is very hard to do. High five to you!! I love you and hate you at this moment in time. But it is all good!!
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About the Author:

K. lives in Southern California with her husband and three children. When she needs a break from the daily chaos of her life, you can most likely find her on the treadmill or with Kindle in hand, devouring the pages of a good, saucy book.
Fueled is K. Bromberg’s second published novel and is the highly anticipated second book of “The Driven Trilogy.” Driven was her well-received debut novel and Book #1 of the series.
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