Knight & Play (Knight #1)
Knight & Stay (Knight #2)
Knight & Day (Knight #3)
Author: Kitty French
Genre: Erotic Romance
Hosted by: Love Between the Sheets Promotions
Knight & Play (Knight #1)
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There's only one thing in life Lucien Knight really hates, and that's husbands who cheat on their wives.
There's only one problem in Sophie Black's life. Her cheating husband...
From the moment Lucien & Sophie meet, the seal is set.
Romantic, emotional & intensely erotic, Knight and Play is the perfect read for lovers of international bestsellers Fifty Shades & Bared To You. Let yourself be swept away by Part One of the Knight series from Kitty French, a romance so hot it'll burn your fingers...
CEO of Knight Inc. Lucien Knight is catch-your-breath gorgeous and damaged by his troubled past in Norway. All grown up and relocated to London, he's built his empire of adult clubs from the ground up to become the gorgeous patron saint of the sex industry. No one knows the dark childhood secrets that have given Lucien a backbone of steel and a heart encased in ice. No one until Sophie Black, that is...
From the moment girl-next-door Sophie accepts the job as Lucien Knight's PA, she understands how Alice must have felt when she tumbled down the rabbit hole. Lucien takes her safe, vanilla life away and plunges her head first into a huge dish of fantasy flavours. Rich, spicy chocolate covered with dark, oozingly lickable sauce? Check. Tutti-frutti with indecently red, glistening cherries on the top? Yes please.
Lucien strips away all of Sophie's inhibitions, and when he instructs her to select three new toys, she soon realises he has more than a game of Monopoly on his mind...
He's opened the door to a whole new pleasure packed world without limits, and Sophie is utterly intoxicated. But how far is she willing to go? And what happens when she has to step back into reality again?
Lucien & Sophie's is a story of star crossed love and forbidden passion, a sexual odyssey that spans the globe and changes both of their lives forever. Let it change yours, too.
Excerpt from Knight & Play:
He wasn’t a man given to romance, but the perfect weight of this woman in his arms
and the majesty of the skies above them filled him with an unexpected sense of peace.
Moments later he carried her through the quiet rooms of his home with her head on
his shoulder, and by the time he lowered her down onto the bed, she was asleep, tear
tracks still just visible on her cooling pink cheeks. When he brushed a blonde strand
of hair out of her eyes she sighed and turned her face into his palm, looking for
comfort in his touch even as she slept.
Long buried emotions forced their way to the surface as he curled around her and
spooned her body into his.
Comfort, sweeter than he’d ever found from a woman’s touch.
Fear, spikier than he’d felt for anyone since the day his mother had died.
Anger, sharper than he’d sensed it since the last time he’d laid eyes on his father.
Bile rose in his throat at the thought of the man whose actions had driven his mother
to her death.
How dare Sophie’s husband push her to this?
How could he put her at risk for the sake of a cheap thrill?
As Sophie’s husband and Lucien’s father meshed together in his mind, he tightened
his hold around her pliant, sleeping form. The quilt settled soft and warm over their
shoulders, and he fought to match his heartbeat to her slow, steady breathing pattern.
There was only one thought in his mind as sleep claimed him.
He would protect this woman.
He wouldn’t fail again.
Knight & Stay (Knight #2)
Amazon Worldwide | Barnes & Noble
Sophie black has turned her back on both her cheating husband and her sexy, enigmatic boss Lucien Knight. When she hits rock bottom, she finds herself drawn back into Lucien's glamorous no strings, high stakes world of intensely erotic encounters.
Bold and beautiful, Lucien is a walking, talking Viking sex god-the ultimate rebound guy. His is a seductive world of pleasure without limits or commitment, but can Sophie's already bruised heart survive his strictly no ties rule?
When her husband returns with his tail between his legs, Sophie is faced with the toughest decision of her life. How does she choose between the man she vowed to love forever and the man who she hadn´t planned on loving at all?
Knight & Stay is a star-crossed romantic adventure that spans the globe from Paris to the glittering artic northern lights, a sexual odyssey of love and lust that changes the lives of everyone involved forever.
Excerpt from Knight & Stay:
"You didn't come to work on Monday."
Sophie placed the mugs on the table and sat down opposite Lucien.
"Did you seriously expect me to?"
He lifted one shoulder, as if bemused she even needed to ask. "Yes."
She shook her head. He couldn't be serious. "You hit my husband."
"Do you expect me to apologise? He deserved it." Lucien worked hard to maintain his casual bearing but the expression in his eyes went from cool to lava hot, leaving Sophie well aware of how on edge he was.
"You had no right." Sophie's fingernails bit into her palms as her fists tightened. "I wanted to do things my way. You took away my choices."
She watched him digest her words and for the briefest moment, saw uncertainty flicker in his eyes. "Choices?" He leaned forward and drummed his fingers on the table. "Way I see it, you didn't have any choices to make, Sophie. Your husband's a lowlife, you needed rid of him."
Sophie mirrored his rigid stance across the table. "And there you go again, making my decisions for me."
A pulse flickered along the hard set of his clenched jaw.
"I thought you'd make the wrong one."
"So you made it for me."
He leaned back, folding his arms defiantly across his chest.
"I'm not sorry."
"Men never are." Sophie regretted the cheap generalisation the moment it left her lips, but the last fewdays had left her more than a little jaded.
"I'm not like him, Sophie." Lucien's words were spoken so softly that Sophie only just caught them.
"No. No, you're not like him," she spat. "You're your very own brand of fucked up, Lucien."
Our Review:
You can find Donna's 4.5 Star review here: http://www.theromancecover.com/2013/05/knight-stay-knight-2-by-kitty-french.html
Our Review:
You can find Donna's 4.5 Star review here: http://www.theromancecover.com/2013/05/knight-stay-knight-2-by-kitty-french.html
Knight & Day (Knight #3)

Kara Brookes hates liars.
Dylan Day hasn’t told the truth from the moment his plane touched down in Ibiza.
It’s a recipe for disaster.
Lucien and Sophie are back, and have set up camp on the sun-drenched isle of Ibiza for the opening of the latest of Lucien’s strictly adult clubs.
They’re joined for the summer by Sophie’s best friend Kara, and Dylan Day, Lucien’s newly appointed club manager. The laid back, smokin’ hot surf guy from California seems almost too good to be true… but there’s no smoke without fire. It’s going to be a long hot summer of love, lust, lies and wedding bells. But who will get their happy ever after?
Romantic, emotional and intensely erotic, Knight & Day is the thrilling final installment of the USA Today bestselling Knight Series from Kitty French.
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 3.5 Stars
“To the moon and back, English.”
I have loved this series and especially our Lucien and Sophie, whilst they are featured in this book, they are more background characters to Kara and a new love interest called Dylan Day. However, Lucien and Sophie’s story is wrapped up nicely in this instalment and I love the new kid on the block Dylan Day. I did devour this book in a few hours as it is quite short but what it lacked in length it gave to us in humour, in spades and I was laughing my head off on more than one occasion, I really “got” the sense of humour in this one and adored Kara.
Kara is Sophie’s best friend and business partner, she has been lied to all her life, firstly from her father and then her long time fiancĂ©. This culminated in her being jilted at the altar and left her extremely broken. The one thing that she insists upon is honesty, but firstly she needs to mend that broken heart, is Dylan Day the man for the job?
“I meant every word of it, Dylan Day. Lie to me and I’ll cut your cock off and pickle it.”
Dylan Day…what can I say…the guy is adorable, I loved the emails to and fro from his mom, he is a mommy’s boy and that is no bad thing. He has a lot of skeletons, he has a lot of guilt (even though he shouldn’t, he just wanted a new life…so he leaves the US and comes to Ibiza. Here he meets Lucien and Dylan having owned his own club before, falls on his feet when Lucien takes a chance and offers him the job of club manager. Lucien could tell that Dylan was being a bit vague and most probably a bit economical with the truth in his less than formal job interview, but going on his gut instinct, that has never let him down yet, he gives Dylan a chance.
It doesn’t take long for Kara and Dylan to meet and before long the chemistry between these two is off the charts, they are at it like rabbits, anytime, anyplace and anywhere. You could see the real “Dylan” slowly come out to Kara and you could slowly see Kara open up and learn to trust once again, they brought out the best in each other. However, Dylan has escaped his “old life” by coming to Ibiza, will this past come back to haunt him or will it stay firmly on American soil? Will he open up to Kara enough before it is too late?
“You fit me, Kara,” he said. “You know every fucked up part of me, and you still see someone you can love.”
I really enjoyed this one but I must admit my favourite is still book 2. This was a quick and easy read and as I said above did wrap up Lucien and Sophie’s story beautifully. I loved learning more about Kara and she truly was a fun and fab best friend to Sophie, as was Sophie and Lucien to Kara. Lucien saw Kara as a sister and was fiercely protective and this came across well when he was talking to Dylan. The part I loved the most about this book though was Lucien and Dylan’s friendship. I truly got their connection in this book and the friendship they had was truly built on that initial gut instinct that Lucien had and thankfully Dylan did not prove it wrong. One of my favourite scenes in this book was a Lucien and Dylan scene and I have included their conversation below.
“I know this kind of talk makes you freak out, but I’m gonna say it anyway,” Dylan said, laughing softly. “I fuckin’ love you, man.”
“Jesus Christ,” Lucien muttered…He met Dylan’s eye in a moment of silent acknowledgement, then shuddered despite the warmth of the evening. “And now I feel like we just had sex.” He knocked his bourbon back in one huge slug, and Dylan turned away to hide his smile. (you can’t beat a bit of male bonding!)
Once again, a fab read Kitty. I am sad to see the end of these characters but cannot wait to see what stories you have in store for us next.
About the Author

She lives in England with the gorgeous Mr.F and their two young sons, and is never knowingly found without a glass of wine in her hand.
Kitty also writes romantic comedy under the pseudonym Kat French. Her first novel, Undertaking Love, is out now from HarperCollins.
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