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Book Description:

In the conclusion of this best-selling, highly rated series, author Ginger Voight once again raises the stakes for her characters and her readers. These characters you have grown to love (and hate) are faced with heart-wrenching challenges that will test them unlike anything they've experienced so far. In the end, only love can save them. It is a message of hope, family and forgiveness amidst the exciting backdrop of excess and power.
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Alex caught sight of the new ring on my right hand. It was an amethyst, both my birthstone and Jonathan’s, a gift from Drew while we were in Las Vegas. "New ring?" he asked unnecessarily. He would know that I would likely not possess a ring like that if it weren’t for Drew.
I fought the impulse to hide it with my other hand. "It was a gift," I answered just as unnecessarily.
He leaned back and stretched out his legs. "You certainly are fitting in well as a Fullerton," he commented. "It is the good life, isn’t it? You get the best of everything. The best home, the best gifts. The best husband."
I closed my eyes. "Alex, please."
"No judgments," he drawled easily. "I wouldn’t have picked me either." I could feel his gaze as it traveled over my new clothes. "So it’s selfish of me to expect you to pine for me, especially since what is easily trumps what could have been."
I glared at him. "What difference does it make to you what might have been? You bolted for the door every single time things got a little uncomfortable."
He sat up. "Fair enough. But what, really, did you expect from the weaker brother?"
"You’re not weak, Alex," I told him. "That was their label for you, but that isn’t how you need to identify yourself. If you’d just show up, you’d amaze everyone. Including yourself."
He chuckled softly. "You may be the teacher, Rachel… but you still have a lot to learn."
He rose to his feet and sauntered away.
Our Review:
**ARC received for honest review**
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 Stars
“You’re more than a conquest to me, baby. You’re the air that I breathe, every minute of every day. I used to think I had to conquer you because I had something to prove. I’m not proud of that. I needed to win… This is the true treasure. This is where I live now and it’s a beautiful world. It’s safe. It’s home.”
This has been an intense ride from start to finish and Ginger Voight really pulls at your heart strings in this brilliant final instalment. Even the hardest of hearts will be rocked by the events that happen during this intensely emotional ride. We had a serious ugly cry during this one, it takes a great author to consume you into the lives of fictional characters and this is exactly what she did, you cannot help but live and breathe this journey and whilst at times it is intense, emotionally overwhelming and downright heart breaking, I could see the whys and wherefores and actually felt that this was a fair conclusion to this story.
I have made no secret that I have been Team Drew from day dot. Even though he was a complete ass at times I could always see the good in him and I was willing him along and for Rachel to make him the better person that I knew he could be. We do get to see a totally different side to Drew and I am glad that we did. The morals running through this series have always been about family, love and forgiveness and we are treated to this in bucket loads during this book. Alex and Drew had a lot of bridge building to do in this instalment and I wondered how and why this was going to happen. Ginger didn’t disappoint and I was thrilled that the Fullerton Brother family dynamic was well and truly restored by the end. It took a lot for the brothers to finally heal and forgive and it was great to finally see them united.
They say that karma is a bitch and the bitch truly got what she deserved in this book, they say what goes around comes around and I am glad that at least, just desserts were well and truly served.
I normally high light like crazy when I read so that I can show just how good a book is, but I hardly high lighted anything as I was so engrossed in this story, that is just how all consuming this story was. It truly was a read till your eyes bleed kind of book.
A lot happens and I cannot really say anything as it would give away too much of the plot, as you remember from the reviews I have written for the first two books, this is not just a love story but a complex plot line that has you twisting and turning, squirming, shouting and just generally freaking out. Ginger really makes you run a gamut of emotions and there is one plot twist that I never saw coming a mile off and I was truly devastated when it hit. It was certainly a WTF the moment, I had to go back and re-read as I was “did she really just do that to me?” You could have knocked me sideways and blown me down with a feather! It is again the show of a fab author when she can really shock you with a plot totally left field of where you thought it was going.
As I said, it is intense, it is emotional but it is a fab read. I have loved every word of this series and while I was an emotional mess, I truly felt that this saga had come full circle and I was happy with the way it was ended. I think no matter what Team you were on, you will be comfortable and somewhat happy.
Once again, Ginger Voight I have loved this series, I thought the Groupie series was brilliant but I think that the Fullerton’s may have just jumped ahead of them.
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About The Author:
Having grown up reading different authors like Danielle Steel and Stephen King, Ginger has always been drawn more to story than to genre. This shows up in her various stories. Titles such as MY IMMORTAL and TASTE OF BLOOD are a delicious, heady mix of horror, suspense, and romance.
Genre romance, however, has held a special place in her heart, ever since she read her first Harlequin novel when she was only eleven. As a result, Ginger is making a name for herself writing romances of her own, starring women who look more like the average American woman rather than those traditionally represented in the size-biased American media. Her Rubenesque romances were created especially for those heroines with fuller figures, who can still get the man of their dreams if only they believe they can. Such titles include UNDER TEXAS SKIES, LOVE PLUS ONE, THE GROUPIE TRILOGY, THE FIERCE TRILOGY and PICTURE POSTCARDS.
Ginger was included in the best-selling book by Smith Magazine NOT QUITE WHAT I WAS PLANNING, featuring her six-word memoir.
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