**ARC received for honest review**

This book has a really great storyline bringing to life all the characters within it. The romance between Nevar and Lysia the two main characters are built over time with the sexual element building to a beautiful crescendo.
It starts with Nevar, who was once a guardian angel but because a battle he had fought in Hell against Asmodeus, the King of the Demons was now changed into a dark angel and a servant to Asmodeus and lived permanently in Hell.
Feeling the ever constant need for revenge in his heart which is fuelled by the taking of Euphoria a demon blood drink that made him worse, he does something so terrible that he has started a chain of events that no one can stop. Because of this he has been intrinsically linked with a being called the Great Destroyer. This leads to Nevar needing to do his level best to overcome his obsession and addiction, because the two people who should want him dead have vowed to help him.
Feeling a need to get away from Hell even for a little while he opens a portal to London to a demon club he used to frequent often in the past, and it was there he first came into contact with Lysia.
She stumbled into the club, naked and with blood and wounds all over her body as though she had been in a fierce battle, but for all that Nevar could see she was a beautiful woman and was immediately attracted to her.
Lysia though, after waking up had slowly realized that she was on the mortal plain and not knowing where she was felt the tug of demons who she somehow felt would help her, so she made her way towards them which led her to the club where Nevar sat. After entering Lysia soon came to realize that no one could understand her until she felt drawn to the corner of the bar where sat a handsome man and when she approached him found that he was the only one who understood her.
Nevar couldn't help feeling protective towards her, although not really understanding where these feelings were coming from as he had never felt like this before. He did his best to help her but Asmodeus came for him so he had to leave Lysia at the club on her own hoping she would be ok, but they were fated to meet again.
Their story gets very involved with outside forces battling them, but also they had friends behind them to help them overcome these hazards.
During all this, their attraction for each other grew strong. Two people who have always felt alone now had each other.
All the time spent in each other’s company made their feelings get hotter and hotter until
“Nevar growled against her throat and gave another powerful thrust, and the entire universe exploded, every star in the sky detonating in a colourful burst. Tingly heat blazed through her making her thighs tremble against him, and she convulsed in his arms, releasing her grip on his neck as she cried out her bliss.”
Lysia felt sure that she never wanted to be parted from this beautiful warrior.
With Nevar fighting battles inside himself still.
Lysia desperate to help him overcome his self-loathing.
It was not an easy journey for these two and with the outside forces doing their best to separate them this makes for a very compelling read.
Ms Heaton full marks for a very enjoyable and a real page turner of a book. I have got to love these characters in this series and will definitely follow up all future books to see how they get on.
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