“It took Nine Minutes.”

This book begins with an intense, engaging prologue. It is this prologue that sets the tone for the rest of the book. Its emotional pull is really strong, it hit me in the heart and from that moment on I was a lost cause, lost to the powerful words of Beth Flynn, to Grizz and Gin’s story and to the total mind f**k that was Nine Minutes. Once the title meaning of Nine Minutes is revealed, I was gone, totally and utterly gone. Never has Nine Minutes meant so much and it still haunts me. Nine Minutes is not good at all, Nine Minutes broke my heart.
This story is Ginny’s story, told through her eyes. It starts with her as a teen; we get a brief insight into her home life until she is abducted. Ginny is normally fairly street wise, but something made her trust this biker so she willingly got on the back of his bike, it wasn’t until they missed a turn that she realised that all was not as it seems and so the story begins.
“I would be stupid not to try to leave here.”
Ginny/Kit is taken as an “offering” to Grizz, the president of the Satan’s Army MC, at first you think it was a foot in the door for the donor but it soon becomes apparent that there is a lot more to this gift than you are led to believe. Slowly by surely Ginny’s past is eked out through the pages and it soon becomes apparent that this was no random abduction.
Ginny is renamed Kit, forcibly having to leave her past behind and taking on a new identity Kit is slowly entered into the world of Satan’s Army. She has few friends and those that she trusts become her closest confidantes, everyone is there to protect her. She never feels in danger, she feels safe and protected and at the heart of this is Grizz.
Grizz was a leader, he was the president of Satan’s Army, he was revered by the men in his club, he was feared, he was a beast of a man, and he was “Grizzly.” But Grizz also had another side, he was fiercely protective, loyal, he exuded sex appeal and most importantly he had the propensity to love and when Grizz loved, he loved completely. The change in his demeanour whenever he was around Kit was mind blowing at times, the change was dramatic and blatantly apparent. He gave her space, he gave her time and he let her make her own decisions with regards to her feelings for him (if any).
Kit was sceptical at first but after time it soon becomes apparent that she does in fact have feelings and an emotional connection to Grizz. I will point out that at no point did I feel that this was a case of “Stockholm Syndrome.” Personally, I felt that Kit let Grizz’s actions and words speak for themselves. At no point did I feel their relationship was unbelievable, it was organic, it developed of its own accord and I have to say I loved it. I felt it.
“Did he just say he loved me? My heart thudded.
…”Does that surprise you, Kit?...That I’m in love with you?”
…”I love you too, Grizz.””
This book is packed with characters, all have their place in this story and none were superfluous to where this story was going. I found myself forever trying to piece together the plot myself, second guessing everything I read and everything I thought. This story is suspenseful, intriguing and nothing is quite as it seems. I cannot go into any details as you need to read this for yourself but once the story comes full circle, it is definitely an OMG moment.
There is violence in this book as you would expect with the subject matter, but it is only elaborated on when it is critical to the plot, it is not gratuitous in any way but can be hard hitting in places. You know it happens but when it is described it doesn’t make it any easier to digest. Also, the sex in this book is fade to black but that does not detract from their connection at all, you still feel it.
For a debut author this book was fantastic and hard to believe was a debut, Beth Flynn has talent! Despite the dark and raw nature of an MC book, Beth Flynn has interspersed her humour throughout this book, not only was I shocked as hell at times and crying in others but I was also laughing. It was this perfect balance that made this a un-put-down-able fast paced read. One that I wanted desperately to finish yet didn’t want it to end. The ending had me floored and had me going back over everything I had read. Theories aplenty I needed to talk, discuss, regurgitate and vent. An epic climax to a stunning read and one that I am now eagerly awaiting its sequel. I for certain will be there waiting, anxiously waiting…god, who am I kidding…I want it NOW!! Right this very second!! Like yesterday!!
“I was no victim. Never had been. Never would be.”
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