“Into me … you see,”

I have to say that this was a fantastic read and for me is by far Georgia’s best book yet. For a first book in series this book serves its purpose by the bucket load. It is an addictive read; I could not put it down. The plot had me hooked as did the characters, there was nothing I disliked about this book and at the end all I was left wanting for, was more.
Bleu MacAllister is one ballsy woman, since she was twelve years old she has had one mission in life and that was to avenge her mother’s death. She has trained in martial arts, she was a police officer, she worked for the FBI, but to her these were not jobs, they were training. She has done everything she can to make herself the ultimate killer. She is strong, she is emotionally detached, she is fierce but most of all she is determined. Her mother’s death affected her in more ways than one and that one event has led her to be the woman that she is today. Her adopted fathers ailing health means that she has to bring her mission forward…revenge is near…off to Scotland she goes.
“Telling him I intended to hunt and execute Thane Breckenridge was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
I loved the setting for this book, being from the UK and recently attending the book signing event in Edinburgh, I could picture a lot of the scenes in this book and they only brought back fond memories. I love it when I can actually picture the surroundings; it always makes the book seem more real.
The family that she needs to infiltrate are a mafia type and are very security conscious. They are only friends with people within the group, they can only marry within the group, they are extremely intrinsic and this is all through fear of competitors and enemies finding a way in. There are rules and these are to never be broken but Bleu believes her way in is through the next in line to the “throne,” Sinclair Breckenridge. He is a lawyer and has nearly completed his training to take over from his father. Now Bleu just has to make her move. Being emotionally detached will have its benefits after all, but that was before she met Sinclair.
“Rule number ten: it’s all about the right move at the right time—pacing and patience. I’ll read his emotions and body language to know what needs to come next. A necessary sin. That’s what tonight is.”
I have to say, I found another BBF in Sinclair Breckenridge, or Sin as he is known by. He was an intense character, highly revered by all, he oozed confidence and his leadership qualities were there for all to see and adhere to. He spoke, you listened, he said jump, you said how high! He came across all dark, brooding and menacing but even in the beginning I could see little flickers of light lurking in the background.
This was similar to insta-lust but our Bleu makes him work for it and this is something that Sin is totally unaccustomed too. Sin is used to women falling over themselves to get a night with him so to come across a woman that isn’t really piques his interest. The character connection between these two was scorching and you felt it through the pages, page by page you felt their bond deepen. Sin is intrigued by Bleu; he loves the fact that she is feisty and fierce, yet loyal and protective. I loved the way that Georgia Cates gradually showed the change in Sin, slowly but surely you saw him believe in himself and Bleu; they were so well suited it was uncanny.
“I love you, Bleu MacAllister. I’ll always do what it takes to keep you safe, no matter the extreme.”
I have to admit, I was on tenterhooks throughout this book. You know that their relationship is unconventional and on paper should never happen and never last. It is with your heart in your throat that you continue reading knowing that this can only go south. I was so invested in their relationship though, the writing was perfect, I felt the chemistry, the emotion, the fear, the anticipation, I felt it all and I absolutely loved it. While the subject of revenge is at the forefront of the story it more or less takes a back seat throughout this book, it is always there lurking in the background but this for all intents and purposes is Sin and Bleu’s story and I cannot wait for February 9th for book 2, The Next Sin. For those that hate waiting, there is more good news…the third book in the Trilogy, One Last Sin releases on 23rd March.
“He didn’t kill my mother but he’s the spawn of the man who did. I’m supposed to be sickened by his touch, so why am I desperate to have more of it?”
I have to take my hat off to Georgia Cates, she nailed this one.
Buy Links:
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/14cqJiY
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/17cq9DP
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/17cq9DP
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