This was a really cute, romantic read, I love a friends to lover’s story and this one ticks all the boxes. This book, spans their life from when they were childhood friends until adulthood so we are treated to how they met, how they became friends, how strong their friendship was and how the lines began to blur.
“I see infinite possibility.”
I have to say that Dylan made this book for me; it is rare that you find a perfect character and for me, he was just that. Having never been loved by his parents and always having that feeling of no self-worth, Dylan could have let it define him, but he didn’t. He hasn’t walked away without any scars by any means, but because of his brother and his Nan and especially Evie, Dylan made it and he became a beautiful man of the inside and out. He wasn’t the typical man you read about these days; he was calm, thoughtful, passionate, protective, kind and selfless. This by no means made him a wimp, but he wore his heart on his sleeve yet still maintained his man card.
“You make me glad that I was born.”
Evie was the opposite of Dylan, yet they complemented each other, she was strong and stubborn but her weakness was Dylan. She had her own fair share of heart break and still wore the emotional scars, but Evie and Dylan together were survivors and they had always been there for each other through thick and thin and this was one friendship that would forever stand the test of time.
“It’s funny how no one wanted to pay me attention to me when I was a weed, but once I started becoming a flower, they all wanted to stop and take a whiff.”
Dylan has loved Evie for what seems like forever; well it has been, but that all encompassing love hit him like a freight train. Dylan was always afraid to let his feelings be known in fear of destroying the friendship that they had, he couldn’t live without her so was willing to have her in whatever relationship he could. With words of wisdom from his Nan and brother Dylan decides it is time to make his move, and it is his time to woo, and boy can this man woo.
“Sometimes life doesn’t give us a second chance.”
This was a beautifully crafted story and one that tugs on your heart strings. I will admit a few tears were shed but they were in amongst a lot of swooning too. Their relationship was real; you felt their connection from the start. Their friendship was so strong and would be an incredibly amazing foundation for anything more. They were normal people and typical boy next door, no millionaires, no alphas just pure friendship and chemistry that rocked the pages. I lived with them growing up, I lived with them as teenagers and I lived with them as adults and you just couldn’t help but become emotionally invested in their life story. It was beautiful, it was emotional but most of all, it was real.
“So, what did you feel?”
“Everything, Dylan.”
This is a standalone but I would love to know more about this couple going forward and with a plethora of interesting characters that appeared in this book, I would like to see a few of them have their own stories too, they are all intriguing in their own way and all had their part to play in this amazing story.
“…but sometimes you’re my smile, and you’ve always been my heart. You’ve carried me my whole life…”
This is my first book by Beth Michele but it certainly won’t be my last.
“He kissed her…with the breath of a thousand lives, because that’s how long he’d loved her…”
“And she kissed him right back, because she’d loved him just as long.”
Buy Links:
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1ahmu8v
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1Cun4rn
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