Cover Design: R.B.A. Designs
Release Date: March 23, 2017
Book Description:
I captured the guilty. Locked them inside our prison. Tortured their bodies and abused their minds. I had murdered hundreds. Never recognized one. Until her face. Until that scream. I was hired to take her life. But first, I had to figure out how she ruined mine.

Buy Links:
Amazon UK ~ http://amzn.to/2nRuVic
Amazon US ~ http://amzn.to/2nnuU98
Amazon CA ~ http://amzn.to/2ndNZdE
Amazon AU ~ http://amzn.to/2n04Mi2

Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***
“Get out all those tears,” I
whispered through the bars, “because pretty soon all you’re going to have is
For such a seemingly sweet and innocent author Marni Mann
certainly has a lot “more colourful personas” hidden within and with this spin
off from the Prisoned book those mother fuckers come out to play. I rarely
swear in reviews, but this book…this book deserves every single expletive that
will probably pour from my fingers.
“Now, there was no turning back.
And there was no more wishing.
Wishes died when my breathing had
But the wants lived.”
Knowing Beard from Prisoned I always knew this book was
going to be dark and while Marni Mann could have gone a lot darker what she
delivered was way more than expected.
Animal has two stories running parallel with one and other and you know
at some point that those stories will converge. It is this anticipation and
that constant fear of woe and dread that keeps you frantically turning those
pages as the foreboding only intensifies and leads you into a story where
nothing is as it seems, no-one is as they seem.
“…You can’t leave a wound
bandaged forever. You need to unwrap it and air it out every so often. Because
you know what can happen?”
“Yeah, I know. It can turn you
into a prison guard where you torture people for a living. But wouldn’t you say
it’s a little too late for that? I already kill, and I already fucking torture.
So, it looks like my wound isn’t just infected, it’s fucking gangrene.”
Going into this book if you have read Prisoned, you know
that Beard is not a good guy, I mean he kills people for a living, he thrives
on hearing women scream, but despite his history I wanted to know the reasons,
the reasons as to why he was this way, what made Beard…Beard. Marni Mann does
deliver on this front and while you know that he is insane, this man has a
heart, he has a huge heart and it is just a shame that no-one has respected
that. Despite what he does, despite what makes him tick, Beard has a huge heart
he is just a little shy at showing it.
“Once they stopped screaming, it
wasn’t fun anymore.
And all his screams were gone.”
Marni Mann delivered a little of everything in this book,
something for everyone and that was just what this book needed to perfect that
balance and ultimately the reader’s enjoyment. Yes, you have the dark side, you
have suspense and intrigue in spades but you also have some hot and I mean
seriously hot sex scenes. I have read every single one of Marni Mann’s books, I
am well versed in how this author writes but even I have to admit that Marni
Mann outdid herself this time. These scenes were salacious, dirty, obscenely
addictive, yet sensual in their own way. No scene was superfluous, they all
added to the story and boy do they make you feel. EVERY. SINGLE. THING…from the
pounding heart to the tingles in your toes. Where did this side of Marni Mann
come from? Seriously though, these scenes were like a siren’s call, I couldn’t
turn away.
“I love pussy. So, why wouldn’t I
want to be surrounded by the most beautiful cunts?”
This book was one hell of a mind fuck though and this is
where Marni Mann excelled herself, she blew this one out of the water and I
didn’t have a freaking clue. There are a lot of curve balls in this one, some I
felt were easily identifiable and definitely a hook by the author to make you
think you are smart, but this is her luring you into a false sense of security,
because she pulls the carpet from under you…A LOT. Some many WTF moments, so
many eureka moments where little clues start to fall into place, where finally
you have the edges of your jigsaw puzzle complete and you can finally start
completing the centre. I have to applaud the plotting with this one because
Marni Mann has proven herself to be one clever cookie.
“We all had reasons for being
here. My mother was the start of mine.”
The end…I don’t even want to talk about the end…Marni Mann
keeps hitting you right up until the last bloody word, this woman knows how to
end a book. Now I am eagerly awaiting more spin offs, at least Breath’s book,
Beard’s right hand man and best friend. I fear for this one though. I thought
Beard would be bad, but the more I learned about Breath in this book, I dread
to think what awaits, I fear I ain’t seen nothing yet. Bring it on Marni Mann.
“I’d told her to give me a reason
not to kill her. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, she’d given me one. More
than one, actually. She’d given me two.”

About the Author:
Bestselling author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Marni was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotions. A New Englander at heart, she now lives in Sarasota, Florida, with her husband and their two dogs, who have been characters in her books. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop, working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling, or devouring fabulous books.
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