Beautiful Mistake is LIVE!!!!

Book Description:
The first time I met Caine West was in a bar.
He noticed me looking his way and mistakenly read my scowling as checking him out.
When he attempted to talk to me, I set him straight—telling him what I thought of his lying, cheating, egomaniacal ass.
You see, the gorgeous jerk had wined and dined my best friend--smooth talking her into his bed, all along failing to mention that he was married.
He deserved every bit of my tongue-lashing and more for what he'd done.
Especially when that lazy smile graced his perfect face in response to my rant.
Only it turned out, the man I'd just told off wasn't the right guy.
Oops. My mistake.
Embarrassed, I slunk out without an apology.
I was never going to see the handsome stranger again anyway, right?
That’s what I thought…until I walked into class the next morning.
Well, hello Professor West, I’m your new teaching assistant.
I’ll be working under you…figuratively speaking.
Although the literal interpretation might not be such a bad thing—working under Professor West. This was going to be interesting…
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Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***
“It’s not a scar. It’s just a cut
that healed. The real scars are the ones you can’t see—those are the hardest to
I absolutely adored this book. From the first to last word
this story had me rapt. The author had me eating out of the palm of her hand as
this story developed and then you get to the real crux of this story. Fate,
karma, kismet…whatever you call it, some people are put on this planet for that
one person, made with one person in mind, destined to call that one person
theirs. Sometimes they meet early, sometimes they meet late, sometimes they
meet more than once, sometimes once is enough, but no matter the story, no
matter the current or the past, their paths are predestined, it just takes some
time to see it. Vi Keeland delivered the best example I have read of this
trope, I adored this couple, I loved their spark, their chemistry, their banter
and the way their story was delivered just made it all the more.
“A woman’s needs always come
before my own. And I enjoy every minute of taking care of those needs…She comes
before me…multiple times.”
Vi Keeland knocked me for six with this book. I thought I
knew where this story was going, I thought I had it nailed, I was so wrong. I
love it when an author throws me for a loop, when that penny drops pun
intended) and when I got that OMG moment in this book my brain automatically
went back over what I had read and I thought to myself, now that was clever.
“Because music expresses all the
things people can’t say, but are impossible to keep quiet.”
This book will tick many boxes for many people, but mainly,
who can resist a hot professor who falls head over heels for his TA. Especially
when said TA had reamed him out in a case of mistaken identity before. Before
she knew he was her professor and before she knew he wasn’t who she thought he
was. Even on that first meeting though these two had chemistry, it sizzled and
when you get that first impression you always know that the rest that follows
is going to be seriously hot. It is that character connection that gets me
every single time. Some pull it off, some don’t, but when it does it is magic.
“This feels…right.”
“It does. As much as I fought it,
and it’s against every rule at work, nothing’s felt this right in a long time.
Maybe I couldn’t get you out of my head because you’re supposed to be there.”
Rachel was a little spit fire, she wasn’t afraid to go head
to head with anyone, she could hold her own, she knew what she wanted and fights
to get it. Yet despite that fire, she had a heart of gold, she was loyal, a
hard worker and took her profession seriously. Professor Caine West was…well I’m lost for words.
Caine had that air of professionalism and yet you felt the bad boy bubbling
underneath. Caine had that mischievous twinkle, professional on the outside and
a little devil on the inside and it’s not long before that little devil comes
out to play, especially between the sheets…seriously HOT!
“If I weren’t your professor and
you weren’t a nice girl, your re-virginized pussy would be sore as hell right
Yet, it was the serious conversations that made me love this
couple all the more. The banter was magic, but it was the deep and meaningfuls
that gave this couple substance. Both had pasts, both needed to work through
them and these two worked best together. The course of true love never runs
smooth and this was a little more angsty than a Vi Keeland norm, but nothing
over the top and it all added to the grand finale, the one I never saw coming.
“We all make mistakes. Life
doesn’t come with instructions. Someone who loves you will forgive you for
them. But when you hide them or lie about them, they’re no longer
mistakes—they’re decisions.”
This book had a little bit of everything, fantastic
characters, a brilliant plot wrapped in a sprinkling of Vi Keeland magic.
Totally loved it.

About the Author:

Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author. With more than 1.5 million books sold, her titles have appeared in over eighty Bestseller lists and are currently translated in sixteen languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.
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