Hate to Love You, an all-new standalone from New York Times Bestseller Tijan is available NOW!

Hate to Love You
by Tijan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: August 28th
Book Description:
Rule #1: No hot guys.
It might sound ridiculous. I get it. It kind of is, but college was supposed to be my sanctuary. It was my place to start over. The rumors, the whispers, and the jealousy I endured through high school would all be gone.
No one would know me at college.
Rule #2: No drama.
I’d major in pre-law. I’d make a few loyal friends. Everything would be easy breezy. No one was going to use me or hurt me. I wouldn’t let them.
Rule #3: New year. New place. New me.
And all because of Shay Coleman.
Football captain and quarterback, he was the big guy on campus. The cocky guy in my political science class with a smirk. I hated him on sight . . .
. . . and he was about to break all my rules.
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Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***
“No talking. No thinking.”
“Just feeling.”
Tijan knows how to write a college romance, her Fallen Crest
series has been one of my guilty pleasures for years and I have re-lived my
teenage years vicariously through her words. Hate to Love You is exactly what
the title infers, a hate/love romance, whereby the propensity to love far
outweighs the innate need to hate. This was a classic case of the head saying
one thing and the heart saying something completely different.
“I don’t play fair. Ever. You
should know that about me.”
Kennedy Clarke was unfortunately the little sister of two
brothers who were the be all and end all and she became a victim to their
unrivalled popularity. People wanted to be her friend just to get to her
brothers and others shunned and ridiculed her just because they could. Now at
university Kennedy is determined to live her life as she determines, not how
the little sister of the Clarke brothers should. Being that one of them is
still on campus it is going to be hard, but her anonymity is important to her
and her brothers have been told to keep their distance.
Kennedy though seems to have her work cut out for her
because it seems that the star quarterback has set her firmly in his sights.
Shay Coleman was the epitome of perfect, his cocky personality was all in good
taste, he had a heart of gold, a great sense of humour, was extremely
protective and despite his popularity was not the arrogant jerk one would
automatically assume a man in his position would be. Shay’s personality shone
through and I loved how hard he fought to be with the one girl had really
turned his head.
Kennedy battles in vain to keep herself anonymous, she
becomes a hermit, the studious student and tries everything in her power to
keep herself out of the spotlight but Shay makes that extremely difficult and
he doesn’t take no for an answer.
“When I see you're hurting, I
want to wipe it away. When I see you doubting yourself, I want to give you the
best damned pep talk in history. When you cry, I want to make you smile. When
you laugh, I want to make you laugh harder. When you moan in my arms, I want to
make you dissolve into a puddle. When you're insecure about how I feel about
you, I want to replace that with a proclamation that I love you so hard that I
never want you to question us again.”
The chemistry between these two is palpable, the banter is
hilarious at times as Kennedy does her upmost best to project hostility rather
than the internal lust that is just itching to get out. Kennedy though is
fighting a losing battle and Shay relishes the fight. Kennedy riles him up the
right way, she likes him for him and not for who and what he is, she provokes
him, she challenges him, she keeps him on his toes and he never knows what way
is up whenever they are in each-others company.
With drama galore, as with any Tijan book, this book has
something for everyone and while it was not my favourite of hers, it was still
an enjoyable read that I couldn’t put down. I did find it a little predictable
and very reminiscent of The Fallen Crest series. While I believed in Shay in
Kennedy, they did not have the same oomph as Mason and Samantha.
“You can let me in.”
“You’re in. You’re so far in that
I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
“Then I’m in, and you’re in too.”
I was almost grinning from delight
as I shoved open the back door. If I hit him, hey, all was fair in the war we
were fighting of who could piss each other off the best.
It didn’t.
He was leaning against the wall, the
back of his head resting on the brick, and he looked over to smirk at me. “I
want to see your room.”
I thrust my hand out. “I’ll take
those notes.”
That smirk just widened. He patted
his bag and pushed off from the wall. “They’re in my email. I need to get on a
computer.” He patted my arm and moved past me, heading inside. “I can use
“Hey!” I followed him in.
He was looking up the stairs. “Sabrina
said you were on the fourth floor. You saw my place. I want to see yours. It’s
only fair.”
He wasn’t waiting for my go-ahead.
He was already up and rounding second floor to third. He’d be at my floor
before I could get there. “Stop! I am not okay with this.”
He was at the third-floor door. He
glanced down with that same goddamn smirk. “Better tell me which room or I’m
going to hang out in the hallway.”
“Why are you always smirking? Is it
permanently attached to your face?”
“What room, Clarke?” He was at my
hallway door.
Fucking hell. I gritted my teeth.
“Wait. Just wait. My door automatically locks.”
He’d opened the door but let it
shut. Waiting as I covered the last set of stairs, I refused to let him see me
panting. I stood there, purposely holding my breath until he narrowed his eyes
and cocked his head to the side. “Breathe, Clarke. You’re going to pass out.”
I almost burped out the small pocket
of air I’d been holding. “I hate you so much.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved that off. “We
get it. Eternal damnation in hell, the whole shebang. Whatever.” He nodded to
the door. “Stop stalling. I want to see your room.”
I was picturing pitchforks and fire.
Maybe that was the burning smell he mentioned. It was hell, and all the fire in
there. I yanked the door, glaring as I did. “Was this Sabrina’s idea?”
“Nope. All mine.” He was right
behind me. I could feel his breathing. “She refused to tell me your room
number, said I had to call.”
My eyes widened at the thought of
him coming up by himself, strolling down the hallway, and then knocking on my
door. Good Lordy gracious. Too many would’ve seen him at my door. I would’ve
been the talk of the dorm.
I shuddered, unlocked, and entered
my room.
About the Author:
Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and the Broken and Screwed Series among others. She is currently writing a new YA series along with so many more from north Minnesota where she lives with a man she couldn’t be without and an English Cocker she adores. To find what to read next of hers, go to www.tijansbooks.com WALL STREET JOURNAL, NEW YORK TIMES, AND USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR
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