To the Fall by Prescott Lane
Publication Date: March 8th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
You know the story. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, two kids, white picket fence. This isn’t that story.
This is more like . . . Man meets woman. Man sleeps with woman. Man meets another woman, sleeps with her. And so on. You get the idea.
I own a small boutique hotel in New Orleans, the Kingston. I’ve seen men do some stupid stuff in the name of the woman they love, or at least the woman they love for the night.
That’s not me. I’m always in control. You’d be surprised how much you can get away with on just good manners and a smile. It’s the only way to keep my secrets safely locked away.
And my smile hides a lot. Until her.
She turns me down flat. Playing hard to get is my favorite game. It’s the thrill of the chase.
Only problem is, I think it’s me that’s getting caught.

Buy Links:
Read Today! FREE in KindleUnlimited
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2HhkEpq
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2FiA0NX
Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2GKDVA5
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***
“I need you to be brave…Brave
enough to love me.”
Prescott Lane writes a poignant read that you will not truly
understand until you finish the book. While many may give up in the beginning,
because, to be honest, Pierce is a total sex addict, manwhore type, unless you
can see past the cry for help, you won’t appreciate the story that Prescott
Lane carves. I had my little inklings as to how this story was going to go, and
while I was wrong, it was kind of on the right lines and while I didn’t truly
feel one aspect of this read fitted with what came before it, this was Prescott
Lane’s story to tell.
“Hate the sin, but love the
I will say, the one thing I didn’t like was that the villain
in this story was let off the hook. I felt that Prescott Lane had an amazing
platform to bring to the fore a subject that is not explored or given any book
space and this could have been so much more, in my honest opinion. However, I
understand why she probably didn’t and the story that was presented was
absolutely perfect on so many other levels.
When I posted about this release, I stated that Pierce would
capture many hearts and while some readers who are reading the beginning are
probably thinking I am completely nuts you need to give Pierce the benefit of
the doubt. When Pierce is first introduced and as his proclivities are shared
with the reader I knew that this was his cry for help. Some may see him as a
completely asinine commitment-phobe, but between the lines, I knew he was
scared and he was hiding something. My brain ran the gamut a mile a minute and
Prescott Lane makes us wait to truly understand the real Pierce Kingston, and
when you do, your heart breaks, it decimates, it detonates and all you will
want to do is give him the biggest hug and say that everything will be OK.
“What you love, you’ll do the
work for.”
I adored Sutton from the very beginning and although her and
Pierce were chalk and cheese he needed someone like her to bring him to his
knees. It is Sutton though that makes him want to be a better man, Sutton gives
Pierce a reason to truly understand himself and see that how he was before they
met was his way of protecting himself and not something that was ingrained into
him and could never be removed.
“I’ve got options. You aren’t the
only man in the world. You should always remember that.”
The reader is witness to Pierce’s internal struggles as with
the help of a therapist he finally starts to battle his demons. The way
Pierce’s struggles were detailed was honest and real and I am glad that the
author didn’t go with the auto fix. Pierce failed, time and time again, until
he didn’t. But this made him more real, more human, honest and gave me the one thing
that I crave, character connection.
“That’s what love is. Your hopes
and dreams become mine, and mine yours. Your fears and fights become my
The ending of this book is something I never saw coming,
although the author does a great job of leading you down the wrong path, which
was incredibly clever, while also being incredibly mean, it was none the less
jaw dropping. As I said above, while I wish this ended a little differently,
the author dealt with this topic sensitively while also protecting those that
would have been harmed in the aftermath. For me, this could have easily been a five-star
read if somethings had happened a little differently. A shout out needs to go
to Pierce’s best friend, Annie. The relationship that these two had was breath
taking while also being heart breaking. For two people that started their
friendship as little impressionable kids, they had been through so much
together and their loyalty to one and other knew no bounds. Friendships like
that are once in a lifetime and that was certainly true with these two. Great
Dr. Lorraine laughs and pulls out her prescription pad. Scribbling something, she turns it to me. The title reads: The sex diet.
I bust out laughing. “You’re writing me a sex prescription.”
“Sort of,” she says. “You ever gone on a diet before?”
“The thing with diets is, you usually start off strict.”
“How did I know that?”
“No touching by either party, not even kissing.”
“Wait, not even a hand job?” I ask.
“You’ve got your own hands. Use them.”
She writes jerking off on her script pad, then puts a checkmark beside it. This is the craziest shit.
“Once a day as needed,” she says, writing that down.
“I’ll never make it.”
“How many times do you want?” she asks.
“At least twice, morning and before bed.”
She shakes her head. “Okay, twice a day,” she says and points her pencil at me. “That’s it.”
“I really don’t think I need . . .”
“You won’t be released from therapy until I’m satisfied you’ve completed this,” she says.
She has me by the balls, and she knows it. I can’t believe I’m being forced to agree to this, but what choice do I have? “I haven’t had sex in a couple days. Can I get credit for that?”
“No,” she laughs out. “Start fresh today.”
“What about it?”
“Can I use it?” I ask.
“You don’t have enough memories to sustain you?” she asks.
“Good point.”
She gets to her feet and sticks out her hand. “Good luck.”
Shaking her hand and smiling, I’m sure I’ve got this.
I bite the inside of my mouth, realizing the old lady has tricked me. It’s Thursday. I’m not seeing her again until Tuesday.
That’s five days! Shit, what have I done?

About the Author:
Prescott Lane is the Amazon best-selling author of Stripped Raw. She's got seven other books under her belt including: First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me, and The Sex Bucket List. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and holds a degree in sociology and a MSW from Tulane University. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life.
Connect with Prescott:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrescottLane1
Twitter: www.twitter.com/prescottlane1
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lfhlrh
Instagram: instagram.com/prescottlane1
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