“May I get you
something to drink while you wait for the rest of your party?” the waiter
I would normally
wait to see what the client did and follow his lead on alcohol. But tonight was
not the norm.
I rubbed at my
stiff neck. “I’ll take a vodka cranberry, please.”
I hoped it would
help calm my nerves and release some of the tension in my jaw before I gave
myself a full-blown headache. Taking out my phone, I started to scroll through
emails to distract myself while waiting for my drink and dinner companion.
My head whipped up
at the sound of Gray’s voice behind me. “Sorry I’m late.”
My heart
unexpectedly fluttered, and I fought against the feeling of excitement. “Are
you really? Because I get the sense you don’t have any manners after the way
you interrupted me a million times today.”
He completely
ignored my attitude as he took the seat across from me. “Traffic is a bitch
getting downtown at this time. Next time we’ll have dinner at my place.”
“There won’t be a
next time.”
Gray’s mouth curved
into a smug smile as he snagged my gaze. “Sure there will. There’ll be plenty
of next times. And eventually you’ll stop pretending you don’t enjoy my
I hated that my body reacted to him. Right from the very start, we’d had a crazy chemistry between us that was difficult to dull.
I sighed. “What are
you doing, Gray? Why did you come to my firm?”
He lifted the cloth
napkin in front of him and laid it across his lap. “Isn’t that obvious? I need
new legal representation.”
“At my firm? And
you’d prefer that representation come from an associate instead of my boss’s
boss—the head of our securities division? Or even from Pittman, who would
gladly hold your hand and provide you whatever legal advice you need from his
fifty-plus years of experience?”
“Loyalty is
important to me. I want someone I can trust with my business.”
“And you’ve decided
that’s me? An associate with five
years experience who just got off probation with the Bar Association for
violating attorney-client privilege?”
The waiter arrived
with my drink. “Here you go, ma’am.” He turned to Gray. “May I get you
something to drink? Or would you like to wait until the last of your party
joins you this evening?”
“It’s just the two
of us. I’ll have a Macallan, neat, please.”
“Coming right up.”
The waiter walked around to the other side of the table and started to remove
the third place setting.
I put my hand out,
stopping him. “We actually do have another party coming, so you can leave
“Very well.” He
Gray waited until
the waiter was out of earshot. “I didn’t invite anyone else to dinner.”
I sipped my drink
and offered a saccharine-sweet fake smile. “I did. Figured an important client
like you should have more than one attorney to answer his questions.”
Just as I set down
my glass, I saw the other man I was waiting for enter the restaurant. He
scanned the room, looking for me, so I held up my hand and waved.
“Perfect timing.
There’s Oliver now.”
Gray glanced at the
man heading toward us and back to me. Instead of being pissed off, the jerk was
amused. “That’s cute. You invited a chaperone because you don’t trust yourself
with me.”
We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of THE NAKED TRUTH.
The Naked Truth by Vi Keeland
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